Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Of all the things you would want to be settled before the unsettling period of Christmas/New Year, it would be the contract pertaining to a house purchase. (Maybe the birth of an overdue child, or  a decree absolute would run it to a close second)
MMIL finds herself twiddling her thumbs.
Trips to tip have ceased to amuse her. She's rehearsed the move out and the move in so many times that she's afraid there'll be no surprises (good or bad!) She's sent her cards with the exciting news and now everyone wants to wish her well: to remain where she is?
The pictures and stuff have been taken off the walls. MMIL has begun pulling out the picture hooks, but has refrained since the new owners might want to keep the wallpaper that is holding the house together!

Remind me please what Estate Agents do for the hefty chunk of money they receive when a house is eventually sold? Forgive me for expecting them to be 'on the case' night and day, pushing and pulling the various elements into time and space, so as to be able to affect a conclusion. Instead there are echoing empty, event-less, information-less weeks that slide past like ghost ships in the night.

Well, it would be nice for MMIL to be in for Christmas!

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