Soft Cover - 6x9 - 84 pages - $9.99
ISBN: 978-1-62212-642-2
ISBN / SKU: 1-62212-642-4
This book is also available at Amazon.com or BarnesAndNoble.comWholesalers please e-mail
Here it is at last..........it's not been without its pain and expectation.
I thought it prudent to wait until the US election was decided (Yeah!) No one wants too much excitement all at the same time!
I hope you like the look of it enough to BUY a copy for the modest sum of $9.99 (BuyNow button will give you the price in the country you currently reside in, so I'm told)
Back to work now on my current project, A crime fiction novel set in the present, mostly in eastern France and Switzerland and based on a true story. (I might have to go and check out some details, eat some cheese, drink some wine. 'Tis a hard life...)
...and finally,
For all of you that like this sort of book, this is the sort of book you'll like.