Tuesday, 15 November 2011


MMIL is My Mother In Law

I'm no Les Dawson, a little more respectful than he!
Anyway MMIL's decided to move closer to us, from Cheshire (Wirral) to Gloucestershire (Tewkesbury), the soft underbelly of  England. It's taken a while to persude MMIL that she no longer needs a seven (7) bedroom Victorian house close to amenities and the beach. (but where will everyone stay when they come to visit?) The truth is that no-one comes to visit any more!
So the house is suddenly on the market (when MMIL's made up her mind there's no stopping her.) The agents 'smarm' is still wet. before MMIL expects to begin packing. (Do you think I'll be able to move before Christmas?) It's November, 'mid the most uncertain time in living memory!
    The agent (1.2 % commission) has promised to keep us in the picture (and they have, via email!) and deposited the check list of what's for sale and what's not. Of all the things MMIL should leave behind is the sadly discoloured cooker; a brown free-standing horror from the '80s with a temperamental floor level door that doesn't close properly....... because 'it's a fan oven'! MMIL is unaware that appliances have moved on in the 30 odd years since she got it as 'the latest thing'. You can imagine the conversations about what-nots and clothes horses.
This is going to be a LONG and difficult journey!


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